Rather, the appellation "Mammoth" refers to the staggering primacy of its horizontal extent to that of other caves.
The spacing of the cusps is related to the horizontal extent of the swash motion and can range from 10 cm to 50m.
For example, a system does not necessarily transition from meso-alpha to synoptic scale when its horizontal extent grows from 2,000 to 2,001 km (1,243 mi).
The longest limb is measured from the collar where it emerges from a trunk to its farthest horizontal extent.
Suppose that the temperature difference across a Bénard layer of very large horizontal extent is increased so that the Rayleigh number passes through its critical value.
These microseismic events are often used to map the horizontal and vertical extent of the fracturing.
Ocean depths are much smaller than their horizontal extent.
Convective precipitation falls over a certain area for a relatively short time, as convective clouds have limited horizontal extent.
This is much more complex to measure as it requires that the dimensions of the original vertical and horizontal extent of the inclined seating be re-established.
Compared to weather systems, fires are much smaller in horizontal extent and thus monitoring of fire weather requires a regional approach to modeling.