Sometimes, the two horizontal creases fuse to form a single crease.
At one end of the chamber, the walls curved to meet each other in a horizontal crease like the inside of a large mechanical mouth.
In some people, the horizontal creases are fused to form a straight line across the palm; called a simian crease, it is also found in nonhuman primates.
On February 1, 2011, after a record-breaking month of snow for the area, a 50 to 60-foot long section of the eastern wall had buckled and a horizontal crease was apparent on the complex's indoor ski slope.
A curious horizontal crease broke the nose contour of the fenders.
The heads had a sculpted appearance, with eyes concealed in a deep horizontal crease.
The Corsair had unusual and quite bold styling for its day, with a sharp horizontal V-shaped crease at the very front of the car into which round headlights were inset.
Ratings used to have either five or seven horizontal creases and this did not represent the seven seas or five oceans but depended on the length of the sailor's leg.
The problem, she said, is that the same muscle that creates horizontal creases on the forehead also plays a major role in lifting the brow.