"The issue is whether or not the Palestinian people can have a hopeful future."
Enter gospel, a music that looks backward at a traumatic history but also forward to a hopeful future.
To him this is an opportunity to leave his unhappy life and take on a hopeful new future.
And it's very important for the Palestinian people to have a peaceful, hopeful future.
But families will see on Sunday that the path of scientific inquiry still leads to a hopeful future.
The election is meant to draw a line between that chaotic past and a more hopeful future.
In a way, the series is saying the Japanese have it all: rich past, comfortable present and hopeful future.
Finally, we see them walking down a road at dawn, towards an uncertain but hopeful future.
He also reached out to his audience to describe a hopeful future.
Let it be our cause to give that child a happy home, a healthy family and a hopeful future.