A Cherokee Indian did a traditional hoop dance.
In its modern incarnation as an art form, dance form, and exercise modality, the practice is referred to either as "hoop dance" or simply "hooping".
While these hoops may seem huge compared to children's hoops, they are typically required for adults to have success and enjoy hoop dance.
In the second half of the program, wearing a pale blue outfit for a variety of hoop dances, Mr. Moschen suggests a wistful Picasso saltimbanque.
The matinees feature specialty dances like the Lord's prayer, the hoop dance and the eagle dance.
"Intrados" is an updated and sophisticated version of the old hoop dances that used to be performed by scantily clad female modern dancers in the 1920's.
He is most known for his hoop dance, The Hoop of Life.
One hoop dance by Ms. Iobst and Ms. Sexton could have tumbled out of an Academy Awards show had it not been performed nude.
He invented the hoop dance to help him with this goal.
Although originally a male-only dance form, in recent years women have become active participants in the hoop dance and in hoop dance competitions.