The intent is generally to honour the person's contribution to the country, but in all cases to educate the public about them.
When he died in 1881, a stone pyramid was erected on its summit to his memory and to honour his contribution to the development of the town.
On March 10, 1998 a stamp was released by Indian post to honour Savitribai's contribution.
The intention was both to honour his personal contribution and to act as a tribute to the war effort of the Southern Railway's employees.
The team honoured Peveril's contribution as a rookie by allowing him to lead the players off the ground.
The Reid Oration to honour Professor Reid's contribution to public life.
Recent calls have been made to rename the phenomenon the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou problem, to honour her contribution.
The ship was repaired, during which her name was changed to Nepal, honouring Nepal's contribution to the British war effort.
We are delighted to honour his contribution to cinema history and look forward to paying tribute to him in London on 12 February.
To honour his contribution to the school, Sir Paul Chater's name was included in the school prayer.