He has been honored subsequently with several more awards, including the Padma Bhushan in 2006.
Now called the "Japanese Schindler", Sugihara's heroics have been honored many times, including the highest honor that Israel gives to those who helped Holocaust survivors.
She has been honored with four more Oscar nominations, including one for the unforgettable Mrs. Robinson in "The Graduate."
The magazine honored a total of 100 well-known Irish-American figures last night, including Patrick J. Buchanan.
Other festivals honor traditional Tunisian music and notably jazz, including the Tabarka Jazz Festival.
Two Union admirals are honored including David Farragut.
"We intend to honor all the people in fall sports at the pep rally, including all those who went out for football," said Ms. Faix.
He formed an interfaith scout group - Beaver Scouts - that honored many religious occasions, including the Taoist and Jewish new years.
Rigas was honored numerous times, including honorary degrees by three universities.
During its 14-year theatrical run, the Popular Science film series was honored with numerous awards and acclaim, including 5 Academy Award nominations.