The military honours should continue.
And honors continue to pile up.
That honor will continue to be held by Roche Holding, the Swiss drug company whose shares trade for the equivalent of about $13,500 each.
This honour continued until Henry VIII resumed the manor, although it was later regranted it was without the royal service.
The honours which had been showered on him during life continued after his death.
The honors could not continue to be all on one side.
Herod soon returned, however, and the honors to Antipater's family continued.
This marked the end of the Prussian monarchy and it was never awarded thereafter; however the honour continued to be recognized for, and worn by, previous recipients.
However, the honors continued to roll in for Louise, whose "mothers' group" had become the largest single service provider to parents of deaf children around the world.
Once begun, the honours continued enthusiastically until, in the end, they were persuaded to stop wasting further powder and shot only by the strenuous application of the rope's end.