She had her eye on a particular sea lion who honked loudly at every person who appeared to look easy.
Horns were honking loudly when they reached the sidewalk.
When I pulled up to my hotel and opened the car door, the car began honking loudly, like a stuck goose.
His head was bent back as he stared up at her and honked loudly.
The next scene, Tom is hungry as a horn is starting to honk loudly.
At once the maiasaurs came back, honking loudly and repeatedly.
The adults milled around for a moment, as if unsure whether there was more to do, and then, honking loudly, they all moved off.
Males are more vocal than females and can often be heard honking loudly if approached but geese in general talk quietly throughout the day.
A huge flock of geese flew over us, honking loudly.
Then, as if giving a signal, the bird at the center of the V-formation honked loudly and veered off to the left.