The winner is the first group to stop a car cold and provoke the driver to honk angrily.
A motorcycle honked angrily and shot past us.
Once again, some cars stopped, others honked angrily and sped about.
The horns of other autos honked angrily; their drivers uttered four-letter obscenities.
Some distance behind them, the other NKVD car still honked angrily at the trucks in its way.
The six of us whisked between two passing taxis, whose drivers honked angrily.
The grocery stores are fully stocked; people honk angrily in traffic; we are clearly intent on continuation.
As I sped past them on the inside, stationary motorists honked angrily.
A cabbie honked at him angrily.
Traffic was thick, and he swerved from lane to lane as other drivers angrily honked their horns.