Having moved in just two months ago, they're in the honeymoon phase with a home whose idiosyncrasies are still revealing themselves.
The honeymoon phase of Bradley's maiden voyage will be over.
According to Walsh, presidents seem to be especially effective during this "honeymoon phase" because everyone is hopeful about new policies.
Then came the honeymoon phase, when parent and child could do no wrong, since everyone was just so gosh darn happy to have one another.
I think the euro is in its honeymoon phase.
For now, my computer and I are in the second honeymoon phase.
It was cliff-hanging stuff, and we're still in the honeymoon phase.
The honeymoon phase is now officially over, if we're making fun of each other's bodily functions.
We're still in a honeymoon phase, and no one wants to appear not to be cooperative.
The first episode showed the couple meeting at a funeral, marrying, and going through the honeymoon phase.