I feel an awful mood of honest confession on me.
Bob Dole blurted that out in the final hours of the New Hampshire campaign, a dreadfully self-destructive but sadly honest confession.
At the police station, the now suspended Lois is brought in by Graham to get an honest confession from Leonard.
In the anti-women environment of Indian sub-continent, many do not care about her honest confession.
This song is an honest confession: I can't do this thing called life on my own.
O'Grady said he wanted the film to serve as the "most honest confession of [his] life."
Which brings me to the honest confession of why I don't use a computer.
After the guard goes away, she slaps Terry in the face, but after his honest confession, begins to warm to him.
Critics also say the law does not require a complete and honest confession from commanders in return for sentencing-reduction benefits.
The honest confession on top of the bag of lies was masterly.