In past decades racist, homophobic and sexist views were far more openly displayed across the whole of society.
Much of the criticism was centred on Ahmadinejad's allegedly anti-semitic and homophobic views.
Two prolific New York psychoanalysts are singled out by Mr. Lewes for their homophobic and vulgar views.
Barbados, in common with much of the English speaking Caribbean, has a very conservative attitude to homosexuality and homophobic views are unfortunately common.
This caused disagreement in the society due to homophobic views, but it did gain support from Azerbaijani human rights activists.
It is encouraging that Mr. May has denounced the homophobic views of his fellow legislators.
Jackson asserted that other people's homophobic views have never affected her work.
He's never been shy about his vile homophobic views.
A heterosexual man may be aroused by pornographic depictions of lesbianism yet hold homophobic views.