Thus, the method does not detect all minuscule homologous regions from multiple rearrangements (as between mouse and human).
It is reasonable to conclude that the homologous region in the 5-HT 3 R may perform a similar function.
If this were true, damage to the homologous region of Broca's area in the right hemisphere should cause aphasia in a left-handed individual.
They found 32 pairs of homologous chromosomal regions, accounting for over half of the yeast's genome.
The inserted chromosome yields a large fragment when the homologous region is amplified.
However, during the course of cycling, recombination can occur between the homologous regions via a copy choice mechanism (illustrated in Figure 1).
The lac operator cut site is within the homologous region in this system.
In mice this homologous region is found at distal chromosome 7.
A 3' end of one template sequence, if it is within the homologous region, can anneal to the other template.
It performs an alignment between homologous regions.