The retrospective, which contained sexually explicit and homoerotic photographs, was canceled only two weeks before its scheduled July 1 opening.
The first culture war of the Bush administration does not involve homoerotic photographs, holy images and waste products or a performance artist clad only in chocolate.
The other case that led Congress to adopt the 1990 language involved an exhibit of homoerotic photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe.
The traveling retrospective, which included sexually explicit and homoerotic photographs, had received financing from the endowment.
Officials at the Corcoran were concerned that the exhibition's explicit homoerotic photographs would touch off a political storm on Capitol Hill.
The homoerotic photograph: male images from Durieu/Delacroix to Mapplethorpe.
What about the homoerotic photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe?
It has been attracting large crowds, the biggest since the museum's exhibition of Robert Mapplethorpe's homoerotic photographs in 1989.
The five homoerotic photographs were more problematic.
The sleeve features a homoerotic photograph by Dennis Cooper as its cover.