In Chicago, homicides last year rose nearly 20 percent, to 747 from 666 in 1985.
In Atlanta, homicides rose more than 30 percent, from 146 in 1985 to 184 in 1986.
A15 Drug-linked homicides rose sharply last year in some of the nation's largest cities.
In Chicago, which had been cited as another model of declining violence, homicides rose 4 percent from 2004 to 2006.
Even excluding the social club deaths, homicides still rose to 990, a jump of 18.3 percent.
For instance, homicides in the 20-square-block central business district rose from 150 to 198 between 1991 and 1995.
In Houston, where homicides rose 24 percent last year, disputes were by far the largest category, 113 out of 336 killings.
Those who study crime debate whether the cities where homicide is rising represent a trend.
The same statistics showed that homicides rose 24.3 percent in September from the same month a year ago, the police said.
Soon they returned with a vengeance; gang-related homicide rose 50 percent between 1999 and 2002.