No jury could ever convict the culprit for homicidal intent.
The judge made no mention of this potential homicidal intent during the summing up however, something which has been criticised, amongst others, by Gerald Wright, QC.
Carelessness, stupidity, haste, and ignorance are quite as powerfully destructive of forces as homicidal intent.
It'll have several shots fired from it, evidencing your homicidal intent.
And although the Family was often accused of strong-arm tactics in dealing with neighbors and alternative-community groups, they certainly never killed anyone or even manifested serious homicidal intent.
Blows of homicidal intent were struck at the terrified captives; it took Dithyrambos himself, wading into the fray with his sword, to drive the men back.
It did, however, have the effect of infuriating the missile tech even further, and he unbuckled from his push-pull and shoved himself off the saddle with obviously homicidal intent.
For a moment I thought that he might have some homicidal intent.
And the funny thing was, after a brief flash of homicidal intent, I found it impossible to hate him.
'Have you considered direct destruction of body tissue without immediate homicidal intent?'