Commuters now give way to teenagers late for their 8:15 homeroom classes.
It is a very small school, and has homeroom classes which are led by the Sisters.
Representatives bring up topics discussed from their homeroom class, to listen and take action the suggestions of the students.
School administrators and staff see the homeroom classes as a reflection of the teachers.
"My homeroom class voted me the most likely to be the guy your mom wishes you were dating."
I sat tall and proud at the big round table in my homeroom class.
David needed the money to pay off a 14-year-old bookie in his eighth-grade homeroom class.
It has become a "competition" to see which teacher's homeroom class would collect the most items.
The shirt did not go unnoticed by her homeroom class.
Our fourthgrade homeroom class had a substitute teacher for the first two weeks.