Their house, meanwhile, is isolated in the middle of an empty plot where about 65 other homeowners sold to the developer.
Does a homeowner sell his house at historic cost or at whatever price the market will bear?
Turns out lenders are generally willing to lend you far more, seeing as most homeowners will sell their souls to meet the payment.
Some homeowners, he said, have sold their houses to cash in on the market and moved to more affordable cities.
A. In the old days, the typical 50-year-old homeowner would downsize, sell the family home and buy something smaller.
Q. Is there any way a homeowner can sell his home but retain the right to remain in it for as long as he lives?
When the homeowner dies or sells the house, the bank is repaid, with interest.
It's a transaction in which the bank lets a delinquent homeowner sell the home for less than what's owed.
So he would push homeowners to sell too fast and too cheap.
Now, homeowners can buy and sell an unlimited number of times, and no matter what their ages.