Some homeowners have decided to forgo greenery entirely and replaced their lawns with rock.
He cited a three-bedroom high ranch appraised at $150,000 that could sell for $240,000 if the homeowner replaced the roof, siding and windows.
Since the fire-resistant roofing ordinance was adopted about a decade ago, 68,915 homeowners have replaced their shake-shingle roofs or obtained roofing permits to do so.
Broward County now encourages homeowners to replace grass with native plants that need little water, sending out consultants who have helped remake 1,600 lawns.
Apartment dwellers or suburban homeowners can replace existing windows or walls with channel glass, as long as the depth measures at least two inches.
Some homeowners also dislike the rough aesthetics of some walls and replace their dry walls with squared-off wet ones, he said.
The bulk of that, $4.6 billion, should be spent helping homeowners replace or repair houses damaged in the storm, she said.
Replacing it will be a tax exemption that will benefit most homeowners, although some people will have to pay some unexpected taxes.
Usually, homeowners like to replace them with something more decorative and substantial.
Black homeowners replaced whites, until by 1970, about 70% of the properties had changed hands.