At least one state, California, allows homeowners to opt out of escrow payments and consumers elsewhere can in some instances negotiate agreements with lenders freeing them from escrow payments.
Some homeowners opt to open other features ahead of the main pool.
Granite countertops don't come in the delightfully unnatural colors of 1960s orange or candy apple red, which is why many homeowners opt to install quartz in their kitchens.
Until recently, the cooktops that are 30 inches wide were most prevalent, but homeowners increasingly are opting for larger cooktops, measuring 36 inches in width.
The city could gradually allow homeowners to opt out of the city program by demonstrating that they had contracts with licensed private carters.
Usually a homeowner will opt to have the ceilings use a "texture" technique as it is much easier, faster, and thus cheaper than a smooth ceiling.
For nearly the same amount of money, many homeowners are opting for live trees with roots attached and planting them in the garden after the holidays.
Eight homeowners, in turn, opted to share the expenses.
The letter went on to suggest that the city should allow homeowners to opt out of the district or, barring that, pay them the cost of maintaining a house in a designated zone.
As a result, many homeowners opted for an alternate choice.