And more homeowners began appealing their assessments - something large commercial property owners had done for years.
One homeowner, a woman who owned a double lot, began patrolling her property with a broom to keep the people off.
When homeowners began to default on their mortgage payments the bonds were proven to be too risky for investment.
Now, however, homeowners are beginning to realize the impact of conversions on their own homes.
In June, homeowners will begin to receive letters listing the county's information about the house.
But it will probably be many years before the suburban homeowners of the South begin routinely soaking their gardens with used bath water.
Soon after the paraquat was sprayed, homeowners began to notice changes in their lawns.
After the civil rights reforms of the 1960s, black homeowners began leaving the Fourth Ward, leading to further decline.
Ms. Blanco has proposed a telephone call center where homeowners could begin registering their claims, starting next month.
There are growing indications that would-be homeowners are beginning to move back into adjustable rate mortgages.