An earthquake in California in the late 20th century has left seven year old Lewis Crane a crippled, homeless orphan.
He comes to the rescue of a homeless orphan, Mili, who suffers from a deep inferiority complex, and permits her to live with his family.
The Two Orphans, presented on the night of the fire, was a melodrama about two young homeless orphans separated by abduction.
He said: "Friends, I am not very well provided for, myself, but still I would not turn my back on a homeless orphan.
The Regiment evacuated 2,500 wounded partisans and homeless orphans too.
Jujamcyn also has money in "Annie," another homeless orphan of a musical set for the spring.
The game's prologue sees Garrett, the protagonist, describing his youth as a homeless orphan on the City's streets.
I was a homeless little orphan just like her once.
For a while, Crosley owners everywhere felt like poor homeless orphans.
Sheikhas were always looking for homeless orphans to take under their wing.