It is a pragmatic methodology based on concern and inquiry into the reasons for recurring fatalities of homeless living in the outdoor urban context.
Crane wanted to experience the same misery as the homeless living in shelters.
However, it was found that addiction played a larger role for homeless living on the street rather than a shelter.
I also see many homeless living on the streets in such bitter cold.
Still, many of the homeless living in the park remain suspicious of the program, and say they cherish their independence most of all.
The Iraq War veteran would carefully stalk each of his victims from among the thousands of homeless living in Southern California.
But she soon began feeding off of the addicts and homeless living on the streets as well.
In his early years, he sold his apartment to fund his career and spent 4 months homeless living in his car.
The homeless living in the alley were asked to leave for the filming, and the street had to be highly chlorinated because of the smell of urine.
"Nobody wants the poor and homeless living in public spaces," Ms. Foscarinis said, "but this kind of response is terribly misguided."