Applicants for licenses also contacted their home-state senators and representatives to push for a solution.
He has the full support of both of his home-state senators, (then Democrats John Breaux and Mary Landrieu).
Mr. Bukiet, who was an undergraduate here in the early 1970's, probes her reaction to Kerry the candidate versus Kerry her home-state senator.
Both of Hurwitz's home-state senators have supported his nomination, but other Republican senators have objected to it.
Answering the phones is a professional telemarketing concern the association has hired to direct callers to the offices of their home-state senators.
Bill Clinton was a driver in the 1968 re-election campaign of one of his home-state senators, J. William Fulbright.
Mr. Gregory, an African-American from Virginia, has received the bipartisan endorsement of both his home-state senators.
The support of a home-state senator is generally crucial.
Mr. Cranston, a Democrat, is not a Judiciary Committee member, but opposition from a home-state senator was once enough to stop a judicial nomination cold.
The universities have lined up home-state senators and representatives to offer supporting testimony, lending some political muscle to their case.