He told his council, rallying them to fight, "Before the traders came we had our own home-brewed beer, we lived long lives and were strong."
You simply must let 20 million people know about your pet peeves, your favorite movies, your home-brewed beer.
He also abolished the rate of duty on home-brewed beer which in effect legalised it.
Delicious Thai food, home-brewed beers and an unforgettable stage show make this a night to remember.
He'd soon be shouting at the window to call the boss up to go and get him some drink - usually home-brewed beer.
Say, I got some home-brewed beer back there.
They went down to a meal of pickled vegetables, bread and butter, and home-brewed beer.
She'd been one of the few sober people at Dave's, in spite of the home-brewed beer.
He had obviously been drinking; the sour smell of home-brewed beer hung on his breath.
From start to finish, he added, even the quickest batch of home-brewed beer takes two weeks.