In the year 1983, the first home personal computers started arriving to Spain, all of them 8 bit machines.
As the price of this technology declines, some homes could start to look like these smart rooms.
She said the home had started to work with very young girls to show them that to survive "they are not obliged to be prostitutes."
Read on to find out how your own home can start saving you money.
"My mother always says, our home starts at the front door," she said.
Two-family homes start around $200,000, for older buildings in poor condition.
The home burned down in a fire started from an ember of a passing train on July 20, 1894.
That practice continued until the Depression, when homes and living styles started to grow simpler.
The homes, close to the Metro, started at $260,000 and now sell for $650,000 to $700,000.
Single-family homes start at about $800,000 and go as high as $7 million.