Officially out of the student population only 0.17% are registered as home schooled, the other 8.43% are children who are not attending to either a private nor public education institution is mainly due to rural poverty factors, and others.
The agency offers school districts, home schooled students and private schools many services including: special education services, combined purchasing, and instructional technology services.
University of Missouri High School has allowed non-traditional students, home schooled students, and others to achieve high school educations where they otherwise might not.
Earlier this month, for instance, Oregon's education department proposed that home schooled students be required to score higher on annual state-mandated achievement tests than had previously been required; if they do not reach the mandated scores, they must return to public school.
The Odeon Youth Orchestra is open to all youth, public, private and home schooled.
Tsumugi grew up home schooled, and therefore spent very little time in the outside world.
Its website explains that its objective is "to train Christian home schooled youth in speech and debate in order to better communicate a Biblical worldview."
Obviously it's going to be a struggle for the home schooled ones to get a decent job but that's down to that one individual mother's loony views rather than specifically being a fault of the large family.
"You lose that if home schooled."
Local schools and home schooled children have been invited to the campus to share in performances by guests such as Joshua Bell, The 5 Browns, Salvatore Licitra, Nestor Torres and Regina Carter.