Instead, she set up a home program for him, which was supposed to be supervised by an agency under contract to the city.
While enthusiastically endorsing this home program, I only wish to point out that the model might have been found in our backyard.
Ever since home uterine-monitoring programs were developed 10 years ago, they have been the focus of a bitter debate among obstetricians.
That same year, the agency launched its foster boarding home program.
The Patriots will even take out ads for the game in the Giants' next two home programs.
He advocates programs that provide assistance to young at risk children and parents including a home visiting program.
They educated themselves, opting to set up a home program that used comprehensive applied behavioral analysis.
He also established the first statewide home instructional program to help disadvantaged parents teach their preschool children to read.
Your home program is the transitional phase of cardiac rehab after you leave the hospital.
For your home program, exercise moves from activities of daily life to regular exercise.