Bennett died on July 6, 1965 at the home of his son in Flint, Michigan.
He died in San Francisco after a long illness on January 25, 1889, at the home of his son.
Her body is now stored in a coffin in the home of her eldest son.
Jo Amar died at age 79, at the home of his son.
It was later the home of their son, Gerrit Smith Miller.
He died January 11, 2009, at the home of his son in Colorado.
The house became the home of his son by his first marriage, Duncan Campbell (1716-1784).
He built one at the home of his son, Mark Bracewell.
If he had, presumably the bayonet would now decorate the home of some American veteran's son.
Lilly died on October 11, 1930 at the home of her son in Brooklyn after a brief illness.