The June inflation rate was largely caused by price increases in public transportation, home maintenance and housing.
We teach them about home maintenance and repair; it works.
An optional 10-week course in home maintenance is also offered.
And for a man who travels every week on business, that did not include home maintenance.
More things can break in an older home, so every year we set aside about $5,000 for home maintenance.
Escrow is the amount of money that needs to be set aside each month for things like taxes, insurance, car repairs and home maintenance.
Basic home maintenance, she decided, stalking back into the living room for her purse.
They may also need assistance with chores or home maintenance.
Services offered typically include transportation, light home maintenance and repair, and social activities.
Tenants must also have income of $13,000 to $25,000 and are required to take classes in home maintenance.