The hall became a museum in 1935 after centuries of use as a private home and its parlour was renovated.
Many homes are now being renovated by young families who have moved into the area.
The home was renovated soon after the purchase, using an undisclosed amount of money from the University's capital budget.
Now the home of the national ballet company, the house was renovated in 1995.
Many homes in the District have now been renovated and restored to their original state.
The home on P Street still exists and has recently been renovated as a commercial property.
Following the donation, the home was renovated to its original style and opened to the public in 1997.
Old homes are being renovated with only the exterior remaining.
The home was renovated to its current appearance in the 1920s.
In keeping with the style of the suburb, older homes are being bought and renovated to their former glory.