After seeing many news stories of home foreclosures, people may judge that the likelihood of this event is greater.
Georgia ranks fourth in home foreclosures and first in bank failures.
Q: Can you help me with predatory lending or a pending home foreclosure?
A bankruptcy filing often stops a home foreclosure, but only temporarily.
Studies have shown that spousal relationships, family unity, child behavior and academic performance all suffer in connection with home foreclosure.
As a result, home foreclosures and rates of home vacancy dramatically increased.
Many families are suffering the consequences of job loss and home foreclosure.
A home foreclosure within the planned community does not remove the home from the homeowner association.
Unemployment, poverty, and home foreclosures are still on the rise and no section of the political establishment seems to care.
But why are some people better able than others to weather traumatic events like a job loss, home foreclosure, or personal ordeals?