The advocates are worried about the trend because the homes fall into a gray area of oversight and regulation.
Ironically, many of the things she fears actually happen in the film when her home falls into the lake.
The home fell into many years of neglect and abuse after it left the Dunham family.
The home has fallen into great disrepair since the death of Marty's father.
Then, on Aug. 26, the victim received a bank check for $150,000 toward a house when the bequeathed home fell through.
She had even offered the owner $270,000 before the home fell into foreclosure.
The homes in the family housing area are falling apart and some have been vandalized.
"Those homes that just provide residence wouldn't fall under our jurisdiction."
Between its glamorous past and the 1970's, the home fell into a bizarre state of disrepair.
He was only five when his home fell apart.