(4) to offer the Holy Sacrifice once a year for all deceased members of the association.
He paid special attention to reverence and devotion during the holy sacrifice of the Mass.
To whom soldiers are sacrificed for their city's sake in the holy sacrifice of death.
I did not die in battle or in holy sacrifice, as so many have willingly done.
A ritually unclean person is not to eat meat of holy sacrifices.
"The monks were keeping the beast at bay with their holy sacrifices, but your radical friends in the government killed or imprisoned all of them."
Everybody greeted it with the religious phrase May Mörnir receive the holy sacrifice!
In sum, these women had witnessed a new and transcendent ritual; a new holy sacrifice of the Mass.
I'm not giving you these cards, not for your holy sacrifice or for anydiing else.
We have no documentary evidence that candlesticks were placed on the altar during the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice before the tenth century.