This may involve giving over duties to one's children, spending more time in religious practices and embarking on holy pilgrimages.
He had always wanted to make the hajj, the holy pilgrimage to Mecca - something he did earlier this year.
But my father did choose to come to this foul land upon a holy pilgrimage.
Reverend knight who had just arrived from their land in order to make the holy pilgrimage and then return home.
I got this holy pilgrimage to make, along with Manfred.
But visiting Monsieur Locke's homeland was, at least in part, almost like a holy pilgrimage.
It has always been the site of holy pilgrimage.
Decades ago, this beach was used for holy pilgrimages with more than 10,000 people, but they have now moved to Masceti Beach.
Keats had expressed an interest in joining our holiest pilgrimage.
It has always been the site of holy pilgrimage for people of various faiths.