The holy kiss was also found in the ritual of the Church on solemn occasions, such as baptism, marriage, confession, ordination, or obsequies.
Juliet, on Thursday early will I rouse ye: Till then, adieu; and keep this holy kiss.
This tradition is traced to Apostle Paul's instruction for Christians to "greet each other with a holy kiss".
And seal the bargain with a holy kiss.
They greet one another with a holy kiss (Acts 20:37, Rom.
Not long after, early Christians invented the notion of the ritualistic "holy kiss" and incorporated it into the Eucharist ceremony.
Then the bishop blesses the young men and greets them into the fellowship of the church with a holy kiss.
Till then, adieu, and keep this holy kiss.
That's Foster's holy kiss.
Greet each other with the holy kiss.