The whip that scourged Jesus' back, with the holy blood still dried on it.
With her holy blood, the Cloth can be reawakened and reverted into its true form.
The Ashraf stated their case, which was based on their holy blood.
Holy Blood plays folk metal with death and black metal elements.
After the line up change, Holy Blood changed their style to melodic death metal and began to record the first studio album.
The event was regarded as a miracle, and only two years later arose a chapel to the "Holy Blood".
Holy Blood, a folk/unblack group from Ukraine, has earned minor success.
"The flask with the holy blood-" "Do not your brothers here have charge of it?"
Holy Blood was formed in October 1999 and their music leaned towards hardcore punk style.
In the upper chapel is the silver tabernacle containing the phial that holds a few drops of the holy blood.