The face and the figure of the holographic portrait belonged to Morgan Primus.
Matushek, the third member of the group, was scanning civilians to match the holographic portraits downloaded into his helmet database.
A holographic portrait of Dennis Gabor was produced in 1971 using a pulsed ruby laser.
Above the desk was a holographic portrait of Kenzo Yagai.
DuPont said that A4Vision's technology was the crucial missing link in making realistic holographic portraits on documents practical.
For the most part, that had entailed removing the outrageously oversized holographic portraits in the throne room and minimizing their physical counterparts on the walls.
Oscar slowed to a halt as he stared at the black-shrouded holographic portrait with its single candle burning underneath.
Holographers around the world produce holographic portraits with ruby lasers, in sizes up to a meter square.
The only pictures in the underground Federation were those supplied on screen by the nine tv channels, or the holographic portraits of the President-General.
The Antosian gazed at a holographic portrait of Jack Crusher and said, "You must miss him very much."