Sometimes a male will make a distinctive popping noise at the female, a vocalization that sounds like a fist rapping on hollow wood.
Max bent to point out a length of hollow wood.
Cadfael heard the impact of hollow wood, and the thrumming reverberation of one surviving string.
She was weeping unstintingly when she heard their feet hit hollow wood, when she smelled the salt sea.
Ynagchen is an instrument made from hollow wood with 72 strings that are "struck with two bamboo sticks."
A piece of hollow wood was at hand.
I considered how much damage I could inflict with a short length of hollow wood.
George saw movement through the white fog ahead, heard feet scufng cement and hollow wood, and he charged in pursuit of the sounds.
As he did so they heard a clatter of feet moving rapidly over hollow wood from inside the injured fishing-boat.
He tapped the hollow wood with his fingertip.