Then the soul of the desert arose and cast over the tomb its wreath of forgetfulness devised of drifting sand, and the gods strode home across the mountains to Their hollow land.
Popular, but incorrect etymology holds that Holland is derived from hol land ("hollow land") and was inspired by the low-lying geography of Holland.
Do your tales tell anything of a hollow land?
It hardly showed yet any ... of its full light, but already away behind the mountains and the hollow land and the empty wastes day was beginning to grow pale.
They were crossing a hollow land that looked like a swamp: rivulets of brown water, brown tussocks of coarse swamp grass, and areas of a bright green vegetation that reminded Niall of the Delta.
The name Banaba in local tongue, Gilbertese, correctly spell Bwanaba, but the Constitution of 12 July 1979 writes Banaba, meaning "hollow land".
But it was a hollow land, surrounded by mountains and great coast-cliffs higher than the plains behind, and no river flowed thence.
'The Light throws you from this stream of Time,' he said, his voice ringing as the song of the train had rung through the hollow land.
Despite such praise, Ms. Brooks preferred to stay outside what she called "the hollow land of fame" and quietly live and work on the South Side.
In a hollow land, From which old fires have broken, men may fear Fresh fire and ruin.