Kettlebell exercises are in their nature holistic; therefore they work several muscles simultaneously and may be repeated continuously for several minutes or with short breaks.
The power behind ESP-r is its holistic nature and range to features.
A related concern holds that certification is replacing consumer education, and this goes against the essential, holistic nature of organic farming.
The centre of Dahinden's phliosophy of the holistic nature of architecture is that it is a service to the human being.
And yet,' went on Malik, 'the holistic nature of the Hindu world-picture still has much to teach us.
In Europe the discipline is often referred to as general practice, emphasising its holistic nature rather as well as its roots in the family.
Thus at the heart of physical literacy is a commitment to the holistic nature of the individual.
Quine rejects the analytic-synthetic thought and emphasizes the holistic nature of our beliefs.
Fourth, competence must include the ability to manage the holistic nature of an organization as an open system.
He said Choudhary's view failed to take into account the holistic nature of Islam.