The strategy that SEKEM employed was to develop a community based on holistic and organic agricultural methods.
He visited several sanitariums in Europe to learn holistic methods and philosophies including the Sebastian Kneipp sanitarium.
Some practitioners use holistic methods exclusively; others combine them with Western medicine and surgery.
List a number of forms of therapy and what they consist of, trying to find holistic methods.
Alive and Wellness - Healthy living by holistic methods, hosted by Carol Martin.
The theorists sought holistic methods by developing systems concepts that could be integrated with different areas.
For example, to explain why one species of finch survives a drought while others die out, the holistic method looks at the entire ecosystem.
Though considered by some as alternative, holistic methods are not generally at odds with the classical scientific method.
Agricultural soil science follows the holistic method.
He was also associated with Erwin Liek's attempts to develop holistic methods to prevent cancer.