Many are collectors of miniature Christmas villages or of holiday ornaments.
He got the design from a holiday ornament, he said.
The items offered include traditional and innovative jewelry, glassware, carved wood, ceramics, fashion accessories and holiday ornaments.
Theatergoers who ventured there found all its walls covered with white paper and holiday ornaments hanging in the lobby.
Items children can make include holiday ornaments, mosaics and landscapes.
The third exhibit is a display and sale of holiday ornaments hand-crafted by artist members of the Guild.
Her mother is a credit manager at Christopher Radko, a designer of holiday ornaments in Tarrytown.
She now takes photographs and mounts them on gift and note cards, holiday ornaments and portfolios.
Admission is one holiday ornament per family.
Here, buildings become full-size holiday ornaments, with red-and-green bows creating festive street-level cornices.