She arranged to have two Chico's holiday catalogs photographed there - and showed the place right in the middle of the shoot.
Mr. Brennan worked out a deal for Neiman Marcus to sell Artisanal cheese in its holiday catalog.
A set of two in slightly different designs costs $19.95 from the holiday catalog: (800) 323-5461.
Neiman Marcus has often offered automobiles in its holiday catalogs.
Her apple cranberry nut pie recipe is also in the company's holiday catalog.
Vintners' holiday catalogs are as Manhattanesque as theatrical shop windows that turn strollers into standees.
This month, Pretec updates its holiday catalog with the I-Disk Vogue.
At F.A.O. Schwarz, the staff worked long hours to put the finishing touches on the holiday catalog.
In addition, copies of the holiday catalog will be sent to subscribers of the quarterly.
At Crate and Barrel, a security guard greeted customers with holiday catalogs, while a line captain directed people to cashiers.