But the quirks of the holiday calendar this year have Jonathan W. Watkins, the owner of the store, looking forward to the week.
From 1 May to 2 June many festivals are held in the town due to the richness of the Bulgarian holiday calendar.
Mr. Croft has the added distinction of his photograph appearing on three of the Coca-Cola Company's holiday calendars, published in the 1980's.
As it happens, the holiday calendar provides an opportunity to test the sincerity of the I.R.A. proposal.
Absent from the holiday calendar will be Furiously, the rookie prodigy who has won his first three races by a combined total of 31 lengths.
She attended a Roman Catholic girls' school and led a life structured by the Jewish holiday calendar and summer vacations in Ischl.
Events The Opernhaus, Falkenstrasse 1, (41-1) 268-6666, fax (41-1) 268-6555, www.opernhaus.ch, where opera and ballet are performed, is the city's cultural center, and the holiday calendar is full.
Is a rapidly filling holiday calendar already giving you anxiety?
As if there weren't already enough to do this weekend, New York City has filled its holiday calendar with nearly every conceivable (and several nearly inconceivable) sorts of Christmas exhibitions, plays, tours and other festivities.
People were so uninterested in dates that the task of keeping the holiday calendar had finally fallen on the ogres, who were too stupid to get out of it.