They convinced me that, according to the quantum mechanical uncertainty principle, rotating black holes should create and emit particles.
Any holes in the boot will create air leaks that will decrease, if not eliminate, any effect that the boots may have.
They dramatize the original author's every innuendo and fussily plug every hole in the plot - even when those holes create a brilliant aura of mystery.
Surface cavities (or small holes) can create a favourable geometric situation for the oil to retain a protective lubrication thickness in the contact zone.
A black hole large enough to take a sizable object creates a significant gravitational disturbance over a large distance.
Different shaped crates and holes create puzzle like situations.
One therefore hopes that an understanding of how black holes create particles will lead to a similar understanding of how the big bang created everything in the universe.
"Artificial white holes," the high priestess corrected him, "created and suspended within an antimatter container, and housed in a normal matter shell."
For Woods and all the big hitters, the 324-yard sixth hole will create a decision.
The hole eliminates much of the drum's natural resonance and creates a drier, punchier sound with a more defined attack.