Under a marble altar like a table, is a circular hole in the marble floor, corresponding with the one just under it in which the true Cross stood.
When the infalling stellar matter is added to a diagram of a black hole's history, it removes the part of the diagram corresponding to the white hole interior region, along with the part of the diagram corresponding to the other universe.
This plug is pierced in the middle by a diametrical hole, while another hole, corresponding to the radius, enters at right angles.
This he did with a special kind of typewriter, a typewriter that delivered a strip of paper in which holes were punched, the pattern of the holes corresponding to the symbols that were being typed.
There was one usage of a single-ply code wheel, where only two challenge symbols were used; in the Amiga game Rocket Ranger, the player turned the wheel to match their Ranger's current location, then read a value from the hole corresponding to the location where they wanted to fly to.
If the ball enters one of the holes corresponding with one of the numbers of the column, the player gains three times the amount of his stake.
The carrier was grooved and the lock cylinder was drilled with holes corresponding to the barrels.
The thin plates, with holes corresponding to the centre hole in a big grain of the hexagonal powder, will, I hope, cause the stuff to burn quickly, and give a tremendous pressure.