In 1986, en route to the buyout, he said, "That stock went up to $50 a share, so that his holding rose to $50 million."
Its holdings of loans that were not paying interest or facing serious trouble rose $139 million, to $1.475 billion.
Both these holdings had risen greatly in value since the Conquest.
During his time in office the nuclear holdings of the US rose from 1,005 to 20,000 weapons .
Many who did saw their holdings rise and then were forced to sit on their hands as their positions collapsed in the last few months.
Small holdings rose from 52.3% to 89.6% of total arable land.
Not at all surprising, however, was that holdings in stocks and stock funds rise with age and household income.
In the two-week period ending Feb. 3, those holdings rose by $7.7 billion, to nearly $213 billion.
In the same period, Fidelity's holdings of Gillette rose 74 percent, to 17.6 million shares.
His holding could rise eventually to 25%.