When exercised, the holding would represent a 25 percent stake in Univex, which now has nine million shares outstanding.
A Treasury ethics lawyer has found that the holdings did not represent a conflict of interest but had the potential to do so in the future.
This holding represented a potential obstacle to the Isosceles reorganization plans for Gateway.
No holding in an individual company will represent more than 15 per cent.
He did not say whether the holding represented the whole of his family's 50 percent share of the company.
His personal holdings in Beatrice represented 40 percent of the assets of his family that he was willing to put at risk.
Hancock's holdings represent 1.8 million acres of forests, primarily in the Southeast and the Pacific Northwest.
Their holdings represent about 66 percent of Reff's outstanding shares.
The holdings represent various railroad companies, labor unions, and fraternal organizations.
That means positions are very concentrated; the top 10 holdings represent 42 percent of the total.