The law requires, though, that investors working in concert must say when their collective holdings exceed 5 percent.
Typically, their holdings at a bank exceed $100,000.
In relation to the harsh physical environment holdings were small and (it was said) getting smaller, thanks to partible inheritance: few exceeded 20-25 acres.
In the legal labyrinths of Essen, American investments are often beyond scrutiny, but rarely when those holdings exceed twenty percent.
The holdings have exceeded the 90 000 mark.
Under an agreement with Vons, a supermarket chain based in El Monte, Calif., the Bass group's holdings cannot exceed 17.5 percent.
Prior to 1986, the United States had been a net creditor because its holdings of foreign assets exceeded foreign holdings of U.S. assets.
The total holdings of the library exceed 411,000 documents.
The present holdings exceed 2.2 million, to which more than 40,000 volumes are added annually.
Brokers are supposed to reduce the sales charges for customers whose purchases or holdings of a fund exceed certain thresholds, known as break points.